Dragon's Dogma Wiki

Arsmith is an NPC in Dragon's Dogma.


Arsmith owns the tavern Arsmith's Alehouse in Gran Soren.

Request quests taken at the Notice Board at the alehouse are completed by speaking to Arsmith with the relavent item in hand.

During Post-Game Arsmith moves to the rear of the partially destroyed alehouse.



  • "Truly, man is a marvelous creature. Even in these dire times, desires abound. Where desperation might well take hold, dreams instead arise. As long as man yet dreams, this world will manage well enough, mark my words. That makes folk in the trade of making dreams turn true the saviors of the world, eh? Folk like you and me. 'Tis work well worth doing!"
  • "My, my! Every bit the arisen, you are. A far cry from the petty frauds the city's seen of late, all scraping for a bit of coin. No, you have the look of someone who can be trusted to see a task through."
  • "Still, some shock, aye? With the dragon about, everyone is bracing for the long fight to come. Were I a bit younger in my years, I'd be out to make a trophy of a fang or two myself. But with you now arrived, it wouldn't do to go stealing your glory, would it?"
  • "Mason? Aye, I know the man... He's at sixes and sevens with that Salvation lot you hear talk of these days, though he's not quick to share the details. There's precious little I can say on it for certain. He brings rumors from the neighboring lands, and I repay him in old war stories. That's all."
  • "Hoy, friend. Idle, are you? Here for a tale from my younger days, perhaps? Truth be told, I was a sellsword in my youth. Stood watch while strongholds and castle walls were built. Lent my greatsword to the great goblin purge of twenty years back, I did. So, what say you, friend? Eager to have me join you on your Wyrm Hunt?"
  • "D'you know of that tunnel, deep in the quarry south of here? It's more a monster's nest than aught else by now, but there was a time it housed a treasure worhty of legends. Least, I seem to recall hearing aught to that effect at some point..."
  • "The sad ruins of a dead castle stand to the west of the southern tip of Gransys. The work of the last dragon, that. Struck fifty years ago, and the land lias barren still. Even the mightiest hold's but a castle in the sand before the dragon, I fear."
  • "Have you seen the tower stands northwest of the shore, friend? Out upon the cape. The Bluemoon Tower, they call it, built by a duke of Gransys generations past to stand as a testament of his power. Now it stands mostly as a home to monsters. The road leading to its base is no better, talk is."

