Dragon's Dogma Wiki

Kindling is an item available in Dragon's Dogma. When lit in a fire kindling becomes a throwable torch.


"A piece of wood used for starting fires. Light it in the bonfire, and it should serve as a torch."
Kindling Aflame

May be set alight by closing it to any reachable source of fire, eg campfire, to create a Torch, and used as a light source. May also be thrown at the enemy to deal insignificant damage.

  • Once Kindling has been turned into a Torch, it can also be thrown at an enemy to set them on fire; if it hits one who has previously been tarred in oil, the chance of setting them alight is increased.
    • Goblins and Hobgoblins will also often try to use this strategy on the Arisen and their party.


Kindling is found throughout Gransys :

  • Common locations include beaches where it washes up. Also found near campfires and in caves.
  • Also obtained by smashing a Bird Nest and certain Wood Bundles.
  • May be gathered from gather spots in logs.
  • Sold at Iola's Shop in Cassardis.
  • Obtained through combining other wooden items.


Product of

Item Item Product
Tray + Hoe = Kindling
Tray + Spade = Kindling
Wooden Board + Hoe = Kindling
Wooden Board + Spade = Kindling

Component to

Item Item Product
Kindling + Copper Ore = Pickaxe
Kindling + Iron Blade Piece = Pickaxe
Kindling + Unremarkable Ore = Pickaxe
Kindling + Poison Flask = Poison Arrow x5
Kindling + Flask of Oil = Oil Arrow x5


2 Star Enhancement

3 Star Enhancement


  • Whilst holding Kindling the Arisen is unable to attack or sprint, hence it's always best to resort to a Lantern for lighting one's way.

See also[]

